A gritty, down-to-earth and uplifting arrangement of accounts to assist modern-day Believers in uncovering the greatest tactic of the enemy – Spiritual deafness. The author transparently shares her journey of overcoming the “Giants” that sought to deafen her spiritual ear to help others isolate and destroy similar giants in their lives. It is time to rekindle our relationship with Christ, and to do that, it’s necessary to hear what He’s saying to our hearts.

In this narrative, author Kara Lock-Harris is able to reach people from all walks of life by graphically sharing accounts of evil schemes and wicked devices the enemy orchestrated to drown out the voice of the Holy Spirit that was directing her escape routes. After years of barely evading defeat, the author vividly recalled how a voice was desperately trying to get her attention, but other voices seemed to be louder at the time. The author now understands that the voice she neglected was the Holy Spirit. The urge to write down her deafening experiences in a book was impressed on her by that same loving voice she once shut out.
Revealing her own personal experiences, Kara is shouting a rallying cry and allowing readers to identify plots that have been masked by normalcy. No longer accepting those deafening giants that have been around for decades, it’s time for real change.
Some “Giants” exposed in this book include: Needs: When needs turn to greed and we don’t recognize God as our supplier. Death: How to obtain a healthier perspective. Rejection: Turning this giant into a driving force.
Prayers at the end of each chapter allows the reader to express a clearer perspective and release of these “Deafening Giants” directly go God. Communicating to our triune God, repentance and thanksgiving for being patient while we peel away distractions that scream louder than His voice.
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