What In Hell Conflicts with God?
Hell has become the pink elephant in the room. No one wants to discuss this very real and very unpleasant topic. While blessings are at the top of everyone’s conversation, God has been shouting from the heavens that something terrible could very possibly be awaiting. It is time to take the blinders off and come face to face with what God has been saying to His beloved creation on the topic of hell. If we take God at His word, and we should, it is clear that danger is ahead if the warnings are not heeded.

Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This “letter” is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:3 NLT
When the founder, Kara Lock-Harris, heard the Lord tell her she was a letter from Christ, she began to search the scriptures. Her eyes landed on 2 Corinthians 3:2 NLT, and her life was changed forever. Through prayer and consecration, Kara understood that God was telling her to communicate for Him. Letters From Christ is about communicating God’s Word and God’s love for His people through many vehicles of communication such as blogs, books, speaking engagements, and most of all her lifestyle. Letters From Christ will strive to make the world know and come to appreciate the sacrifice and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Deaf By Giants: When Your Flesh Is Louder Than His Voice
A gritty, down-to-earth and uplifting arrangement of accounts to assist modern-day Believers in uncovering the greatest tactic of the enemy – Spiritual deafness. The author transparently shares her journey of overcoming the “Giants” that sought to deafen her spiritual ear to help others isolate and destroy similar giants in their lives. It is time to rekindle our relationship with Christ, and to do that, it’s necessary to hear what He’s saying to our hearts.

Kara’s truth and vulnerability promotes deep self-reflection and self-monitoring. The book sets the foundation for a journey of spiritual exploration, simply by opening deaf ears and hearing God’s voice. I highly recommend this book because it explores the spectrum of understanding one’s personal and professional life, while creatively and effectively incorporating God’s word to enhance one’s spiritual life. Not just a “must-purchase”, but the book is a “must-read”!

This book is an inspirational piece that will provide spiritual guidance to the new and “seasoned” Christian. To the author: you are so courageous!
Life Changing!

In this inspirational read, author Kara Lock-Harris delves deep into life’s temptations through a very personal and transparent lens. She reveals the still small voice that is always there to guide us. She explains who and what this voice is through scripture and personal testimony. This book has truly inspired me to be more intentional in my spiritual journey as I’m certain it will inspire the masses. Please take time to read, you will be blessed!
Navigating Your Trauma Response: Finding Peace in the Storm
Let me tell you about this woman named Alana. She’s the kind of person everybody leans on. You know, the one who’s always there with a solution, a prayer, or just a listening ear. But what most people don’t see is what’s going on behind her smile. Life has been throwing punches at Alana left […]
Looking Beyond the Titles: Finding Yourself in 2025
You’re a mother. A wife. A daughter. A CEO. A divorcee. A widow. A best friend. Maybe you’re the glue that holds everything together or the one everyone calls when life falls apart. Titles—they come to us without warning, sometimes as gifts, other times as labels, and far too often, as burdens. As the clock […]
Finding Gratitude in the Midst of Pain
As I sit here sipping on a cup of coffee, I’m struck by how life’s hardest moments can often feel like they’ll last forever. Maybe you’ve been there—sitting in the stillness, wondering if the heaviness will ever lift. I’ve been there too. Life has a way of surprising us, doesn’t it? Sometimes, it’s a good […]
If I Should Wake Before I Die
As I sit here, sipping on my coffee, memories of my mom rush through my head. I can’t help but smile and even burst into laughter at times we shared. As I journey through my memories of her, suddenly, a sober memory is brought back to me of a prayer she taught me and one […]
You Can Trust the Resurrection
By far, the most controversial event in history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, has skeptics busy searching for objections and even has some Christians on the fence. The impact of this single event has been changing lives for thousands of years, and it is in no way close to losing its power and influence. Skepticism […]
Spiritual Quarantine
Our world is in a storm of epic proportions, and it is affecting our way of life. Jesus often spoke of perilous times, and the Bible warned believers to be on guard, prepared, and ready to take action. So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded. 1 Thessalonians […]
You Can Worship
If worship were common and understood among believers, God would not have to spend His time seeking for true worshippers. I wonder if the Samaritan woman understood the valuable knowledge in Jesus’ words to her as they stood at the well conversing. Jesus told her, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship […]
Merry Christ Like
Tis the season to be jolly….but not everyone is excited about Christmas. If this holiday season brings you more anguish than jolly, it could very well be that you need to view it through a different lens. So, let’s try this again. Tis the season to more Christ Like. This holiday season is the perfect […]
Conversion Perversion
Congratulations! You have made the best decision in your life. You have given the pastor your hand, and the Lord your heart. You are now a part of God’s family. So what’s next? It’s when this question is not answered, that most new converts walk right out of the church and back to their sinful […]
There’s a Leak in this Old Building
As a child, I loved hearing the song “There’s a Leak in This Old Building”, even though I couldn’t really understand what the lyrics to this song meant. I would get chills seeing the reactions of the people and all of the screaming and shouting; I knew this song had a powerful meaning. I did […]